The Vidya Prapti Anushthan is performed for attainment of Education and knowledge and for success in professional life. This Anushthan can be performed at any juncture during the examination to garner better results.
Benefit of Vidya Prapti Anushthan
This Anushthan help you to remove any obstacles coming in the way of education and career front.
To be successful in examination and it increase your memory power.
This Anushthan is also great to stimulate person to gain mastery in any arts.
This Anushthan is recommended for everyone seeking to become more intelligent and to get a head start in school, collage, University or competitive examination.
It is a five (5) Days process and Daily Puja, Prayer, Mantras Recitation, and Homam will be performed. The following Items will be kept on the altar during this Anushthan and send to you afterwards as prasadam:
Maa Saraswati Yantra
Puja Japa Mala
Prasad which include Moli and prasad.
(EMI Options are also available on Indian Credit Cards)
Experienced Purohits
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15+ Years of Experience
2 Lacs + Homas & Poojas