Lord Ganpati Puja

Lord Ganpati Puja Value: 3500 / 50
Lord Ganesha (Ganapati) is well-known god for the Hindus. He is the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Lord Ganesha also known as Vinayaka, Ganesa, Vighanvinashaka or the destroyer of obstacles is being welcomed with lot of grace and enthusiasm by Hindu deities. Followers of Ganesha are not just restricted to Hindu religion but people from Jainism, Buddhism worship Lord Ganesha without any affiliation. All auspicious occasion start with the blessings of Lord Ganesha Puja. People worship Lord Ganesha for prosperity, happiness and peace in their families. Benefits of Lord Ganesha Puja and Homam ● The worship of Lord Ganesh brings good fortune to one’s personal and professional life. ● This puja helps one become wise and knowledgeable. ● The souls of the worshipers are purified by the grace of Lord Ganesh. ● Relives you from unintended Worries and Sufferings. ● Accelerate your Career and Business Growth. ● Heal Health Complications. ● Prevent Accidents. ● Give tremendous effects on the Mind, Body and Soul. ● Everything that is lost is regained and one can get a fresh start in life. ● All kinds of desires are fulfilled and one can get contentment and glee in life.

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