There is certain Gun Dosha like Nakshatra Dosha or Nadi Dosha which can result in a lot of problems in love life like lack of harmony and understanding between the partners.
If unfortunate a Gun Dosha (Nakshatra, Nadi and Gana Dosha) is present in the horoscope for a couple so that Aristh Gun Dosha Nivaran Puja is highly recommended so that they can lead a happy life. This puja is also done if the couples want to go ahead with the marriage.
The Benefit of Aristh Gun Dosha Nivaran Puja
This puja is performed the bad effect of Nadi Dosh, Gan Dosh, Bhakut Dosh found during the matchmaking. This puja is done to happy long life, financial stability and removes all worries. This Homam is done for all rounds progress and removes all Dosha.
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