Satyanarayan Puja is one of the best ways to seek blessings from Lord Vishnu. This vrat or puja is a very popular ritual. All Hindus have strong belief, faith and devotion of Shri Satyanarayan, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Shri Satyanarayan puja is generally performed on the full moon every month and can also be done on other days. This puja brings abundance and peace in all forms of life. By executing Satyanarayan Puja, a person is granted with self satisfaction as all the incomplete tasks are assured of being completed. The lord in this form is considered an embodiment of truth. Satyanarayan puja is performed by reciting the miraculous story of Lord Satyanarayan.
Significance of Satyarayan Puja -Katha
Satya means truth. Narayana means the one that abide in everything and everybody. Therefore, this worship, or the puja of Satyanarayana, a form of Lord Vishnu, suggest that to overcome problems and difficulties in life, either due to the deeds of previous births or to remove similar factors by worshiping the lord of truth can be done. Devoting time to truth and worshiping is a way to be true to oneself and true to others. The more honest and truthful we are, the better we can worship Lord Narayana.
Benefit of Lord Satya Narayan Puja
There are various ways of expressing devotion to God, and offering prayers while performing certain rituals is one way of doing it. One of the most frequently performed pujas by Hindus is the Satyanarayan Puja. This puja is performed to maintain general happiness of the family. It is also done for self satisfaction as incomplete tasks are assured of being completed. This Homam is also performed for Longevity and well being of the family. This Puja is performed for success, good luck, and material abundance.
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