Saturn (Shani) Jayanti will be celebrated on the 06th of June, 2024, this year to the great Amavasya. On this day special worship of Shani Dev is done. Shani puja or Saturn puja is very strong puja for an individual to minimize and diminish all the baleful effects of this planet. This puja helps the individual to get the favored of Lord Shani dev who is the son of Lord Sun. There are so many pessimistic effects of this planet, if located on the wrong position in the horoscope of an individual. This puja helps the individual to enjoy tranquility, opulence and affluence in life. one can face so many hardships and failure due to the bad impacts of this planet. To overcome the hurdles and hindrances related to the bad effects of this planet, one should do the Shani dev puja.
Saturn Birth Stories | Shani Janma Katha
In the context of Saturn birth, a mythological legend is very valid, according to which Shani (Saturn) is the son of Sun God and his wife is Shadow. After getting married to Sun God, after some time, he got Manu, Yama and Yamuna in the form of three offspring. Thus, some times the noun subsided with the sun, but the term was not able to bear the sun's heat for long, it was becoming difficult for the sun's wife to bear the sharpness of the sun. For this reason, she has left its shadow, leaving the husband in the service of the sun and went away from there. After some time Shani Dev was born from the womb of shadow.
What should be done on the day of Shani Jayanti?
● On this propitious day wake up early in the morning and take bath.
● Light a lamp in the temple of the house.
● Go to the temple of Shani Dev.
● Offer oil, flowers to Shani Dev.
● Recite Shani Chalisa.
● If possible, keep a fast on this day as well, so that the baleful effects of Shani dev will be removed.
● Make donations on this propitious day, it is believed, donating gives manifold results.
● Khichdi and sesame should always be offered in the worship of Shani Dev. It is regarded that Shani Dev gets pleased with this bhog and showers his blessings on the seeker soon.
Some simple measures should be adopted to avoid the vision of Shani Dev:-
● On Saturday morning, take bath, take water in a copper pot, take mustard oil in an earthen lamp and take black sesame along with it, light a mustard oil lamp in Shani Dev's temple, offer black sesame, and offer water.
● Black color is very dear to Shani Dev, so wear black clothes on this day and donate black things.
● Chanting the mantra of Shani Dev can also save you from the evil eye of Shani. Lord Bholenath and Bajrangbali should also be revered.
Benefits of Lord Shani puja are: -
● If Shani is sits on the wrong position in your horoscope than it will make you suffer from various hurdles which can be resolve from doing Lord Shani puja.
● It will help you to make a responsible person and make you feel dedicated to your goal.
● It is also considered that it can make you ruler and tramp according to your karma deeds.
● This puja also helps you to make your life comfort and joyful.
● This puja also resolves your financial problem and also make you opulent.
● It will also help you to make your mind calm and avoid the diseases.
● If person perform Lord Shani puja with complete faith and devotion so Lord shani will remove your troubles and make your life comfortable and prosperous.
● It will also help you to clear your mind and goal and you develop awareness about the traits that are empathy, justice, truth and compassion.
● This puja helps you to make a person with full of sincerity and controlled nature and also guide you in the right path.
● This puja also helps the individual to run his business smoothly and also helps in expansion of business and they also face a less funds problem.
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